Roundup Ready Will Kill Crops……..

I was astonished as I was browsing a website to have found this Monsanto ad. Located near the end of the ad in small, fine print there was a list of unfamiliar ingredients that a crop must be tolerant to. The ad noted, “Roundup brand agriculture herbicides will kill crops that are not tolerant to glyphosate.” While crops that are tolerant to glyphosate are genetically modified crops.


Monsanto Ad

Monsanto Ad

National Geographic-Green Energy Challenge

National Geographic is hosting a great energy challenge that is available for everyone to check out. There are informative quizzes and a personal energy meter that allows you to have a closer look at your use. After seeing our results from the meter, we discovered the greatest energy used in our home is electricity.

What do you think your greatest energy use is? Any guesses?

About The Great Energy Challenge — National Geographic.