Here is a directory to find raw milk produced across the United States.
How to make refigerator dill pickles – Quick Recipe
Here is a fast recipe to make dill pickles. The cucumbers only need to be refrigerated for 2 hours. This recipe makes them easy to enjoy!
How to make refigerator dill pickles – with no canning or cooking, easy, tasty and illustrated!.
Eat Wild
Eat Wild offers direct links to local farms across the United States that sell natural, grass-fed products. I was happy to have found that most farms and their butchers offer tours to the public to see where their product is in the food chain before it reaches our grocery stores or farmers markets.
Black Earth Meats
I have been questioning for sometime where the meat I give to my family and myself comes from? This includes: the farm, the butcher, and the store or market where I purchase the meat. To me this is important. I was happy to come across Black Earth Meats, located near Madison, WI. Black Earth Meats is a 100% organic meat market that butchers and packages the upper Midwest’s meat. The meat packaged here comes from organic farms in WI that have no hormones, no antibiotics, and that are humanely raised. I was impressed with their informative website. There are ways to follow the food chain back to the farm. This is an article that gives information on how to find where your meat comes from.
Vegetarian Restaurants, Vegan Restaurant, Natural Health Food Stores Guide by HappyCow
Community Supported Agriculture
Here is information to help you find a local CSA and their numerous benefits. Right now Zach and I are growing tomatoes, various peppers, corn, onion, cabbage, eggplant, and many herbs. We hope to provide our family with local and organic food as often as possible. This site was helpful for us as we are looking into a CSA farmer.
Community Supported Agriculture – LocalHarvest.
Wisconsin Public Television
I’m big into the local food movement, and getting really connected to where we live via food.
via Wisconsin Public Television.
It’s amazing the variety of plants and herbs that can be found in our backyards. There is a helpful book named, “A Field Guide to Medicinal Plants.” The book contains numerous photos and detailed descriptions of the plant or herb you are researching. This can be beneficial to someone that is interested in wild plants and herbs that are grown in your community.
Compost Guide – Composting Fundamentals
Composting is not a new idea. In the natural world, composting is what happens as leaves pile up on the forest floor and begin to decay.
The State of Food

Food is often a topic of discussion, everyone needs it, everyone has their own taste, and in the world today much of the food can rarely be classified as such. As a former vegetarian of ten years, I still eat as healthy as possible, not just to eat healthy but because it usually tastes better. Food that is grown organically nearby is by no doubt fresher than anything that travels thousands of miles refrigerated or chalk full of preservatives. One lesson I’ve learned over the years is, “If you can’t say it, don’t eat it.” Jamie Oliver illustrates that well in this video.
More often than not I choose to eat alternatives to meat as I feel they go better with some meals. Many dishes we eat didn’t have meat in them until they were americanized, that is why I choose tofu when I cook stir fry, cook an all veggie curry, or go for many other vegetarian style dishes. When I do eat meat I look for locally raised meat that has been treated with respect. I do my best to avoid fast food, but the life of a musician leads to eating on the road and it is hard to convince a bunch of guys with little money to eat healthy, in fact I am often the butt end of a joke for doing so. After seeing a video like this, it is really hard to bring yourself to eat fast food again…
It just goes to show how the mentality of today is screwed up when it comes to food. People go for what is cheep and easy without thinking twice about what is in their meals. What is considered cheap now can lead to health problems and expensive hospital bills. People also go for what they know, afraid to try new things they stay in a cycle of eating unhealthily without giving anything else a chance.
I lived a sheltered life for many years in the City of Madison, Wisconsin where in many of the neighborhoods I lived, it was the norm to eat healthy. There was a wonderful food coop a short walk away that I tended to use as my pantry, I was there almost every day. To top it off, every Saturday there is a large farmer’s market down on the Capital Square.
Then I moved away and soon realized that Madison is abnormal. I knew this in the back of my mind, but it hit home when I went to the grocery store in the little town of Weyauwega and couldn’t find anything I was used to. I found the closest grocery that had rice milk was 20 minutes away.
Living in Appleton, isn’t as bad. Most grocery stores have natural food isles and there is the Free Market and Red Radish that remind me of a smaller versions of the Willy Street Coop in Madison. There are a few Farmer’s Markets and local CSA farms as well. We also have a small garden to supplement our groceries.
When eating out we often choose The Stone Cellar Brewpub for they cook locally grown meat and vegetables as well as compost their leftovers. They even give up their used grains from brewing to the farms where they get their meat to use as feed for the animals.
If you noticed, I have been trying to chose my words wisely in this post. I don’t always eat the healthiest foods, nor do I always eat organic and free range, but I do try to whenever possible. I try to respect my body as well as other people’s cooking. I’m not trying to tell people what to eat, I’m just giving reasons to why I eat the way I do, and if someone chooses to learn from my habits and the information presented in this post I’l be happy.
Other resources:
Local Havest – “The best organic food is what’s grown closest to you. Use our website to find farmers’ markets, family farms, and other sources of sustainably grown food in your area, where you can buy produce, grass-fed meats, and many other goodies.”
Jaime Oliver’s Food Revolution Hulu Website
Food Inc. “An unflattering look inside America’s corporate controlled food industry.” Netflix IMDB
Super Size Me “Morgan Spurlock explores the consequences of a one month diet of solely McDonald’s food.” Netflix IMDB