Roundup Ready Will Kill Crops……..

I was astonished as I was browsing a website to have found this Monsanto ad. Located near the end of the ad in small, fine print there was a list of unfamiliar ingredients that a crop must be tolerant to. The ad noted, “Roundup brand agriculture herbicides will kill crops that are not tolerant to glyphosate.” While crops that are tolerant to glyphosate are genetically modified crops.


Monsanto Ad

Monsanto Ad

Eat Wild


Eat Wild offers direct links to local farms across the United States that sell natural, grass-fed products. I was happy to have found that most farms and their butchers offer tours to the public to see where their product is in the food chain before it reaches our grocery stores or farmers markets.

Eat Wild

Black Earth Meats


I have been questioning  for sometime where the meat I give to my family and myself  comes from? This includes: the farm, the butcher, and the store or market where I purchase the meat. To me this is important. I was happy to come across Black Earth Meats, located near Madison, WI. Black Earth Meats is a 100% organic meat market that butchers and packages the upper Midwest’s meat. The meat packaged here comes from organic farms in WI that have no hormones, no antibiotics, and that are humanely raised. I was impressed with their informative website.  There are ways to follow the food chain back to the farm. This is an article that gives information on how to find where your meat comes from.


Welcome to Black Earth Meats.